
Zoltán Ferenc Krausz Dr.
Small animal therapy specialist, General and bone operations, general medical attendance
I was born in Budapest on May 27, 1977, and that was the first step of me becoming a vet. We lived in the 13th district until I was four years old. Then, we moved to the 11th district (Őrmező) where I grew up until I went to high school.
I completed primary school at Őrmezei Neszmélyi Úti School. My years spent at József Attila High School had a huge impact on me because I specialized in biology and that was when I decided to become a veterinarian.
After finishing high school, I moved back to the 13th district, which is where I live now. I began my studies at Gödöllői Univeristy of Agricultural Sciences, where I attended biology and chemistry prep-classes. Then, in 1996, I was accepted to the University of Veterinary Sciences where I earned my degree in 2001.
During my last two years, I also earned a Wildlife Management Engineer certification. My most fond memories of school are attached to the Department of Surgery, where I realized my love for surgical medicine. I speak English at a conversational level and German at a basic level
Ordering time:
Thuesday pm, We am, Thursday pm, Friday am, every fifth Saturdays
He makes operations between 9-12 am

Tamás Ladányi Dr.
Small animal therapy specialist, general and small mammals operations, general medical attendance
I was born on 16 December 1977 in Budapest. I spent my childhood in the 11th district After the József Egry primary school I was admitted to the Miklós Radnóti High School, to English-biology class. I was swimming in the MAFC and I played competitive basketball for years.
To medicate pets (which was my childhood dream) I got a diploma in Veterinary Medicine at the University in 2001. Since the academic years I have lived in the 13th district. At the University of Veterinary Medicine Department of Surgery, where I spent my apprenticeship together with my groupmate Ferenc Krausz, we particularly liked the surgery.
In addition, the medical examination and treatment of dogs, cats and most common urban companion animals, and the veterinary tasks related to the small rodents are still close to me. I speak conversational English, and I'm able to understand German.
Ordering time:
Mo pm, Thuesday am, We pm, Thursday am, every fifth Saturdays
He makes operations between 9-12 am

Fáta Mag Dr.
general medical attendance
I was born in September 1996 in Salgótarján. One of my earliest memories is the idea that I would like to work as a veterinarian. My father's home clinic and and his labor helped a lot to drive me on this way. Already as a young child I visited the city and surrounding villages with him for the purpose of healing small and farm animals as well. I spent my high school years in Győr, far from my hometown where my love and certainty to the profession grew stronger. Already during the last years of high school I started to visit vet clinics and to work at home by my father's side. My application was approved to the University of Veterinary Medicine in 2017 and I graduated in February 2023. Over the years, I have become more and more immersed in the world of pet practices and I constantly trying to expand my knowledge about it. I wrote my thesis on the importance of communication between vets and owners because I think it makes the treatment much more efficiant. I joined to the Pozsonyi team in January 2023 so I receive my patients here as one of the newest member of the clinic. In my opinion veterinary medicine is teamwork so treatment can lead to success in cooperation with colleagues and owners and here I found really good partners to give my best in my job. Outside the clinic I spend my freetime with my rescued dog whose bursting enthusiasm remains me every day that I have chosen the most beautiful profession.
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Tímea Tóbiás Dr.
general medical attendance
I was born in Budapest in 1983. I graduated from the German department of Karinthy Frigyes Bilingual High School, then I was admitted to the University of Veterinary Medicine. I graduated there in 2007, then I was an intern at the Animal Hospital of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna for half a year. During my university years, I went to study at the Óhegyi Veterinary Clinic in Kőbánya, where I was able to get a job and worked there for 14 years. After the birth of my third daughter, I returned to Pozsonyi Pet Clinic. My main area of interest is the internal medicine of dogs and cats, including screening and care for the elderly, so that our pets can stay with us as long as possible in good health.
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Zoltán Dudás-Györki Dr.
ultrasonic emaminations
He works in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Veterinary Sciences. He is an internal medicine and cardiology specialist. He is a veterinary dentistry and ultrasound specialist as well.
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