Does your Pet need help? Make a reservation!

You can make a reservation:
online: https://pozsonyidoki.booked4.us/
phone: 06-1/780-8380
e-mail: pozsonyidoki@gmail.com
26 Kárpát Street 1133 Budapest
(entrance from Pozsonyi Road)

Monday - Friday
8:00-13:00 and 15:00-20:00
Saturday (+5500 HUF)
09:00 - 12:00
Sunday and holidays: CLOSED
Welcome to a cozy, little veterinary clinic with well-equipped diagnostics, modern therapy, veterinary pharmacy, petshop, pet-grooming, and decades of professional experience!
Vaccination program for dogs:
- 7th week: Vaccination against parvoviral diaorrhea
- 9th week: Combined vaccination (Parvoviral diaorrhea, distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, kennel cough, coronaviral diaorrhea)
- 11th week: Combined booster
- 13th week: Vaccination against rabies
- 6th month: Combined booster
- 1th year: Combined and rabies booster
Other vaccination possibilities:
It's possible to guard against Lyme disease and Babesiosis in places with danger of sheep ticks! It's possible to guard against Kennel cough (mostly recommended for younger dogs, and for those who often meet other dogs,e.g: dog-school, dog-pension, etc.) Microsporiasis vaccination for fungus is to prevent dermatomycosis, or often for curing it.
Vaccination program for Cats:
Our recommended vaccination program for cats kept in apartments:
- 9th week: Combined vaccination (infectious nasal-respiratory inflammation, infectious stomach- and gut inflammation, flu due to calcivirus, chlamydiosis)
- 11th week: Repetition of combined vaccination (after that, it should be repeated every year)
Our vaccination program for cats which go out:
- 9th week: Big combined vaccination (infectious nasal-respiratory inflammation, infectious stomach- and gut inflammation, flu due to calcivirus, chlamydiosis, cat leucosis)
- 11th week: Repetition of big combined vaccination (after that, it should be repeated every year)
- 13th week Vaccination against rabies (it is mandatory in case of travelling abroad!!!) after that, it should be repeated every year
- 16th week: Defense against infectious peritonitis
- 19th week: Repetition of defense against infectious peritonitis (after that, it should be repeated every year)
Other vaccinations:
Vaccination against microsporiasis for cats with symptoms or aptitude of fungal skin infections
Vaccinations for rabbits:
Pestorin Mormyx
From 6 weeks of age, against Myxomatosisa and RHD 1. The first shot needs to be repeated after 4 weeks.
It is valid for 1 year against RHD 1 and half a year againts Myxomatosis
Nobivac Myxo-RHD
From 5 weeks of age , against Myxomatosiasa and RHD 1, it is valid for a year.
From 30 days of age, against RHD 2 for 9 months.
Vaccinations for ferrets:
- 8-10th week: Combined vaccination
- 10-12th week: Repetition of combined
- 14-16th week: Anti-rabies
- 6th month: Repetition of combined (Distemper, Leptospirosis)
- 1st: Anti-rabies+ combined (annual repetition)