You can have a visit by reservation if Your Pet need any kind of help. It is very important for us You have a healthy and happy Pet.
In the 13-th district, the "main-road" of Újlipótváros at Pozsonyi Street, at the corner of Garam Street, opposite the Danube embankment and the Margaret Island, opposite the Danube embankment and the Margaret Island, opposite the Reformed church, next to the Duna Pearl. Accessible by wheelchair, good parking possibbilities, and – if necessary – rolling table for the patient to the car.
Pozsonyi Kisállat Rendelő
26 Kárpát 1133 (entrance from Pozsonyi Streetl)
+36 1 780 8380
M-F: 08:00 - 13:00 és 15:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00 (+5500 HUF) Sunday and holidays: Closed

Ordering times:
Ferenc Krausz Dr.
+36 30 466 2168
Thuesday pm, We am, Thursday pm, Friday am, every fifth Saturdays
He makes operations between 9-12 am
Tamás Ladányi Dr.
+ 36 20 932 8010
Mo pm, Thuesday am, We pm, Thursday am, every fifth Saturdays
He makes operations between 9-12 am
Fáta Mag Dr.:
Monday am/pm, Thuesday am, We pm, Thursday am, Fri am/pm, every second Saturdays
Tímea Tóbiás Dr.:
Monday am, Thuesday pm, We am, Thursday pm, Fri am/pm, every fifth Saturdays
Zoltán Dudás-Györki Dr.: ultrasound
on Wednesdays from 16:15 pm (with reservation)
Non-stop Pet Clinics:
Budapesti Állatkórház
43 Lehel Street 1135 - 06/1-350-0361
SuperVet Állatorvosi Rendelő
72 Nyáry Pál u. 1205. rendelő: +36/1 814 28 00
Dr. Juhász Tamás Non-Stop Állat Kórház
46 Péterhegyi Street 1112. - 1/310-1106, 1/310-0108